A portrait of the English-speaking peoples at the dawn of the twentieth century
Shouldering 'The white mans burden': 1900-4
American arrives: 1905-14
The first assault: Prussian militarism 1914-17
Capitalism at bay: 1929-31
The second assault: fascist aggression 1931-9
Divided and faltering: 1939-41
United and conquering: 1942-4
Normandy to Nagasaki: 1944-5
The third assault: Soviet communism 1945-9
Cold War perils: the 1950s
Civis Americanus sum: the 1960s
The long, dismal, drawling tides: the 1970s
Attritional victory: the 1980s
The wasted breathing space: 1990-11 September 2001
The fourth assault: Islamicist terrorism and its de facto allies: 11 September 2001-15 December 2005